The three things that people notice where NeurOptimal® is most effective is to experience deeper sleep, better focus, and reduced anxiety. Over 80% of people reported pretty sizable improvements in these areas. Training for Transformation, Mindfulness, Healing & Peak Performance. Welcome to a better you!
![]() Alert. Aware. Mindful. Engage. | ![]() Safe. Relaxing. Non-Invasive | ![]() Focused. Calm |
![]() Wake-up fresh. Maintain Wellness | ![]() More you Train. Helps your Transformation. | ![]() Be Aware. Be Calm. Be Engage. |
![]() Start Your Brain Training Now! | ![]() 33 mins for More Good Days than Bad | ![]() Software based Brain Yoga. Relaxing. Power Nap. Refreshed. |
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Welcome to Your First Step to
A New You
Welcome to Happy BrainLab, where we are dedicated to helping you achieve true transformation, mindfulness, peak performance, and healing. We are excited to offer you the revolutionary NeurOptimal® Brain Training system, a non-invasive and non-directive method to improve your sleep, focus, and reduce anxiety. Our advanced software process uses proprietary mathematical algorithms that recognize the natural potential of the brain and provides real-time feedback in the form of mathematical interruptions in the auditory field. With NeurOptimal® you can achieve a better quality of life and reach your full potential. We invite you to explore our website and learn more about the benefits of NeurOptimal® and how it can improve your life. Book your session now and take the first step towards a better you!
What Is Brain Training?
The brain responds to ‘information’ on a conscious and non-conscious manner, and typically without any assistance. We have the ability for complex processing and this is typically determined by how efficiently it functions as a self-organizing dynamical and transformational system. We find most tasks like breathing, eating and digestion are ultimately performed without our focused attention! Once we have learned a task such as reading, writing, riding a bike and even driving we rarely think about how we do it again. It is when we are able to constantly make decisions and respond without concern we are using an optimal brain.
Neurofeedback gives us an opportunity to receive operational ‘information’ (feedback) and our brain will learn from this information. It is a specialized and advanced form of feedback that gives information back to you about the activity of the brain as it is occurring.
The electrical activity generated by the Central Nervous System (CNS) processing can be detected by sensors placed on the scalp and displayed on a monitor in real-time. This is called the Electroencephalograph or EEG. Neurofeedback (NF) has also benefited recently from significant advances in technology.
What is NeurOptimal Brain Training?
NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback® is an advanced software process using a set of proprietary mathematical algorithms that are within a nonlinear software program.
NeurOptimal® is able to recognize the incredible natural potential of the brain and give information (or communication) that mirrors what the CNS just did. This information takes the form of mathematical interruptions in the auditory and visual fields that offers the individual a ‘mirror’ into their own electrical activity. Thereby reminding the individual to move away from discomfort.
NeurOptimal® is the only Dynamical Neurofeedback® system in the world, and as such very different from other systems as it incorporates monitoring the ‘timing of the electrical signal’. It is completely non-invasive and non-directive!
NeurOptimal® is not a treatment nor is it trying to fix or change anything. It simply provides information back to the brain about what it is doing for the brain to adjust itself. The only thing you have to do is to focus and monitor whether there is any change in your behaviour and your life. After all the reason you opt for NeurOptimal® is to improve your lives.
You sit quietly, listening to soothing music via earbuds or speakers. Brief interruptions in the music signal to the participant that the software is providing feedback. You do not need to respond in any active way to the feedback or even attend to it consciously because the brain—a complex adaptive system—uses the feedback for its own process of self-organization without reliance on conscious intervention.
Unlike other neurofeedback systems, the NeurOptimal® system is not invasive, there is no external manipulation of inputs by a human. It is not entrainment and migration that pushes the brain toward a pre-determined goal or norm. We do not do QEEG. Because it is expensive and does not help in your brain training.
It is Simple
There are no lessons to learn; No exercises or puzzles for you to solve; No pills to consume; No cognitive and psychological tests that are needed. No QEEG needed, hence more savings.
Your Brain is Given Information
The Central Nervous System (CNS) controls most of our body functioning. The better shape your brain is in, the better you will function in general. Signs of a less than optimally functioning brain can show up as many things, including anxiety, for example. During a session, the sensors read the electrical activity of your brain (the brainwaves) and NeurOptimal® processes the information. Your brain is then given information (via feedback in the sound) about what it has just done. It learns from this information and self-corrects. For example, if you have not looked at yourself closely in a mirror for five years and then someone puts one in front of you and although you thought you were standing straight all this time, you see that you in fact are not. The first thing you might do is straighten yourself up. This is essentially what is happening with the brain. When provided with that mirror (info on what it has just done), it processes the information, learns from it and is able to start straightening itself out, functioning at a more optimal level. The important piece of this puzzle is that all the system is doing is providing a mirror for your brain. Your brain does the rest of the work.
Scratching Sounds Heard in the Music
As you listen to the music played, there will be times where you will hear scratches in the music. This is part of the neurofeedback process of training your brain. The scratches indicate that there is "turbulence" or "wobble". What this means is that there is some activity in the brain that is about to change. So the brain is given an opportunity - a very split micro second - to decide if it continues with that course of action.
The equipment is not so much giving feedback about "right/wrong' or "good/bad" activity. Actually, it is more helpful to think of the software as giving feedback about "changing/not changing." Because of that, the software doesn't need to make any sort of evaluative decision—it just looks for phase state changes, and provides an interruption then. It is the brain that decides what to do with that information. So to get back to NeurOptimal, if someone's CNS moves too easily toward anxiety, the software doesn't have to look for anxiety and steer the CNS away (which is good, because some anxiety is appropriate). It just has to look for the moment when the brain is about to change (and some of those changes will move toward anxiety), and alert the brain. So what happens is that the brain checks itself: do I really want to make this change?
NeurOptimal® is Non-Invasive and Global
Our system does NOT up-train any particular frequency. What it does is give feedback when there is "turbulence" in the brain. Basically, we believe in the model of the brain as a non-linear dynamical system, and in that framework, turbulence precedes state transitions. In the brain, a state transition equates to a different neural network becoming dominant. So NO essentially tells your brain "you're about to change states..." and your brain learns from that information (and decides whether it really wants to go into the state it was heading towards, given the present-moment conditions).
This is fundamentally very different from "training certain frequencies" as with traditional neurofeedback, which usually seeks to uptrain or downtrain certain frequencies at specific brain sites.
Secondly, they also say that you'll get changes in areas of the brain far away from the electrode sites. In fact, the idea of training certain sites for specific local changes at those sites is kind of flawed because the brain is one connected network and operates in terms of global whole-brain states. You can't push on one site of the brain without ripples everywhere else.
How Does NeurOptimal Brain Training Work?
NeurOptimal® monitors electrical activity from the slowest 0.1 Hz up to 64 Hz on both the Left and Right hemispheres simultaneously. This is different than focusing on content or any particular EEG frequency as other systems do. The specially designed computer software and EEG hardware will detect any changes or differences in the electrical signal, which is a sign of the brain about to make a shift. The brain then decides if it means to shift or if it was shifting unnecessarily.
For example when you ride in the car and it runs over rumble strips on the side of the road, if it was unintentional the driver quickly responds by moving back on the road. If it was an intentional motion (it may have been to change a tyre) the driver then continues to drive off the road. The differences in the electrical signal are measured in terms of Duration, Intensity Frequency and Shift and is unique to NeurOptimal®. This information is offered back to the brain in real time via auditory and visual interruptions of the media.
The individual will determine what information is useful to them. This is particularly important in terms of flexibility between the frequencies and resilience when in the process of change. It has been reported that some individuals have noticed processing efficiency, stability, adaptability, and when coupled with a clean lifestyle the body learns to naturally respond to bodily functions like sleeping. These qualities are essential for healing, performance and improved outcomes.
Similarly, Dynamical Neurofeedback® allows the brain to assemble its own response and coping strategies based on incoming information. As a result, the NeurOptimal® system is intrinsically non-‐invasive and non-‐corrective. Process Variability–In addition to infinitely cycling and self-‐regulating, the brain does not possess absolute values for how much of any particular brain wave is inherently “best” for certain activities. Any such "average" significantly varies from person to person and moment to moment throughout the day. This amount depends on many factors: the task in which the person is engaged; time of day, blood sugar levels; recent amount of rest and sleep, overall health, etc.
Given these multiple variables, Dynamical Neurofeedback® does not attempt to restore brain waves to some presumed "average" or "best" level. Instead NeurOptimal® simply provides the central nervous system with information about what it has already done and allows the brain itself to sort out the value of that information. Harnessing the brain’s intrinsic intelligence to regulate the amount of brain waves necessary in any specific moment for that individual is infinitely more effective than turning the task over to even the most powerful computer processor.
General Benefits
Everyone of us is unique. Our brains are unique. Our experiences and life stories are unique. How your brain responds to the training is therefore unique. Thus each person's response to the brain training will be different. Some may experience changes in 2 or 3 sessions but many may take more than 11 to 15 sessions to see shifts. Most importantly, is the changed in your lived experiences as a consequence of the training.
Generally, if your brain responds positively to the training, there are some improvements in the qualities of brain function which NeurOptimal® can help optimize such as being mindful, resilient and flexible.
People using NeurOptimal® to train their brain have experienced an improved quality of life.
It can help:
Promote healthy sleep habits
Manage stress & nervousness
Be self-confident
Contribute towards socia, or physical performance
Helps manage decreased brain functioning
Enhance learning capacity
Improve concentration & focus
Enhance a healthy lifestyle
Stabilize moods
Enriches relationships
Mental fitness
More focus
This means that you are alert and responsive to tasks at hand and have a greater capacity to complete tasks successfully. You will have greater capacity and confidence to take up new challenges and being flexible in accessing a range of possibilities for response. Emotional challenges remain BUT it will not eat into you.
In short, life seems to be easier, smoother, calmer and thus more enjoyable.
And if you are just into meditation, NeurOptimal® training will enhance your state of internal peace and mindfulness (to be in the present moment) more intensely and quicker. We call this Brain Yoga, with little effort. Easier Way of Quieting Your Mind.

NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback® is NOT treatment; it is just brain training, providing information to the brain what it just did.