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How many types of neurofeedback systems are there?  What approach does Happy BrainLab use?

Generally there are two different but complementary neurofeedback systems. The common and traditional approach is driven by a focus on localization and that is characterised as "diagnosis and treatment" approach where abnormalities of the brainwave frequencies are identified and the neurofeedback system  is programmed to reward the brain for shifting its activity away from the symptom associated patterns.

Happy BrainLab, on the other hand, focuses on global brain function and is designed to train the brain as a whole without any reference to particular locations or frequencies.  The Happy Brain trainee simply "lets go" and allows the brain to use the feedback provided - as brief interruptions to the music  he or she hears -  to enable the brain's own innate capacity for self organization.

The science of NeurOptimal® (NO) work?

NO works to train the brain as a whole, without reference to particular locations or frequencies. NO approach simply “lets go” and allows the brain to use the feedback—provided as brief interruptions to the music he or she is hearing—to enable its own innate capacity for self-organization. The NO software detects phase state changes, the precursors to phase transitions. Alerted by feedback that a phase transition is imminent, the brain is able either to reorganize to return to its prior phase (as when the mind refocuses on a task after wandering) or to transit to a new phase (as in the movement from wakefulness to sleep). Neither phase is preferred, or sought, or avoided by the software. Instead, feedback simply is given when the phase transition is about to occur.


NeurOptimal® never puts anything into the brain through the sensors.  No signal, electricity, or any other transmission is ever put into the brain.  The work of NeurOptimal® is to give information in the form of audio feedback to the brain that helps it find its own better patterns based on little interruptions in the music.  These interruptions occur whenever the brain strays into less advantageous patterns.  These interruptions give the brain new starting points from which to attempt new, better patternings.  We cannot tell in any specific case what will happen, but in general, any improved patterns that can be recruited tend to advance automatically in any brain doing NeurOptimal® .

How many sessions do I  require?

It really depends what kind of shift you expect to see from the training. And also it is something that is specific to the individual. Significant positive transformation can be expected between 11-20 sessions.  Between 6-10 sessions there will be some changes.  But a few trainees can see changes between 1-5 sessions.  The question that should be asked is: "What change will constitute for you evidence that NeurOptimal is 'working'?"  My recommendation for most trainees is for you to do up to 20 sessions based on the global experience of our trainers and their trainees.

I often have 'clients or their family members' ask me if I think it'll take a very long time for 'he/she/the client/the family member' to respond and get rid of their symptoms; as they are seeing the client's situation to be chronic and severe. My response has been "not necessarily, it all depends on what the client's central nervous system is ready to do, and in many cases the resolutions come quite quickly regardless of how significantly dysfunctional, or "damaged" the brain has been conceived to be".  I've simply had too many cases across  where initially I thought "oh this is going to be a long haul case", and then the client's symptoms end up radically resolving within 6-12 sessions.

Do remember NeurOptimal training is not a treatment plan.

Can I do the training sessions everyday?

It really depends how the training is impacting you.  There have been a few reported unwanted effects or serious negative responses, and it is easy to overlook when it does not work as advertised, or at least as advertised and interpreted by someone else.  If you have trained too frequently you may well be experiencing unwanted effects (feeling anxious, not peaceful sleep, elevated heart rate and blood pressure).  This is usually explained by you not having sufficient time between sessions, nor sleep amounts enough to integrate the information received,  and in my opinion lead to an increasingly anxious state. Stopping sessions, and finally acquiring significant sleep if only for a couple nights, has led to a reduction in arousal.  But for the majority, they feel no unwanted effects and can train every other day.

Will the medication (pills) I am taking effect my training outcomes?

With brain training, the brain can use these medications (the "azepams") more efficiently and one can experience more side-effects/”overdose” effects, so it’s possible that you just need less (for example for hypertension) medication.  Of course changes to your medication needs to be discussed with your medical doctor.  These medications are what we call extrinsic factors that inhibits the brain to be trained optimally.

I cannot listen to music using earphones.  Can you help?

This is not a problem.  We use external speakers instead. These will will placed next to your thighs.  The vibrations induced by the music fits the brain training goals.

Can my pet(s) do NeurOptimal training?

Yes!  We have had animal clients - cat, dog, horse - that have undergone brain training.  Usually behaving cranky or moody but after several sessions they are more active, perky and cheerful.

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