I was recently asked to write a blog post about how Neurofeedback (NF) can be used to improve brain health. I decided to take a closer look at this topic because I have been using (NeurOptimal) NF for over 9 years now. I will try to give you an overview of the benefits that it can bring to your brain health.
There is a strong link between sleep and brain health. As we age, our brains start to suffer from memory loss, difficulty concentrating and even dementia, which is known as Alzheimer's disease. With insomnia, these disorders can become exacerbated. Sleep also supports physical and mental health.
Insomnia is a public health problem. Studies show that sleep deprivation can have a serious effect on one's health. 1 in 2 of us don't have a good nite's sleep. Consequently our daily activities are effected.
How is quality sleep and brain health connected?
Quality sleep and brain health are linked. Good sleep can affect brain health. Good sleep is obvious but the other direction may not be. Alzheimer's or Parkinson's diseases result in a lot of fragmented sleep. The disrupted sleep makes the brain disorder worse. Chronic stress, including chronic sleep restriction, both of which create a worsening sleep condition, is equally disturbing.
What work do our brains do during sleep?
The brain requires daily “waste” removal to remain healthy. When a person goes to sleep at night, that is the time for this to occur. The lack of sleep results in the accumulation of these toxins which, over time, cause the brain to die.
A vicious cycle is a chain of events that may be self-reinforcing, whereby the effects of one event lead to a further effect which in turn reinforces the original effect. So, if we are not getting enough sleep, that may affect the quality of our sleep. This, in turn, may cause us to have poor-quality sleep, leading to a further effect that creates yet another cause of poor sleep quality.
What is the connection between sleep and “emotional” disorders like anxiety or depression?
Insomnia is one of many possible causes of depression and anxiety. Some studies suggest that insomnia is more prevalent in people who have depression than in those without. It may also be the case that depression leads to increased insomnia, as depressed people tend to sleep poorly.
Many studies have shown that it is possible to improve brain function, and a number of studies have shown that it is possible to improve sleep. It follows that improved brain function can improve both disorders of sleep.
What are some of the most recent developments seen in the science of sleep?
The recent finding that sleep is important for brain health and that not getting enough sleep might contribute to a number of conditions, including neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, has prompted the medical community to try and figure out how to improve sleep.
One way is to try to understand why we sleep, but the problem is that sleep is complex. In addition to being important for maintaining our physical health, sleep seems to be important for our mental well-being. It may even be involved in brain development.
What have I observed about NeurOptimal Neurofeedback and sleep improvement?
NeurOptimal appears to improve sleep for people with lots of medical conditions. The logic seems sound. I always recommend that people have at least one night of sleep between NeurOptimal sessions to allow the brain to integrate the new information. NeurOptimal has been designed to improve your brain functions. NeurOptimal can be used to increase focus, reduce stress, and improve attention. Our brains can be good at certain things, but not others. The areas of the brain that have not been developed are the focus of NeurOptimal. If you do that, your brain will be able to process more information efficiently.
What has been my experience with people suffering with insomnia?
The most important thing I've learned in my experience dealing with sleep problems is that it's never one or two things. There is always a complex set of factors and problems at work. That people’s daily waking life activities are as important as their actions to obtain a good night’s sleep.
Sleep is a time when the brain is at its most restful, when the body is repairing itself and when we are most receptive to learning new things. Many people experience sleep problems. Sleep deprivation can lead to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual problems. Chronic insomnia is a condition that affects as many as one-third or half of all adults. Chronic insomnia can affect anyone, at any age. As with so many other health issues, the quality of sleep improves when the person's health is optimal. When a person's health is poor, their sleep is often not conducive to optimal brain function. Drugs may help reduce your insomnia but there are other long term effects like it changes the chemistry of your brain which researchers are still looking into.
Can neurofeedback help you with your sleep issues and a better brain health?
I've learned a lot about sleep disorders over the last few years. I'm also interested in the link between sleep apnea and depression. I've also been studying the link between sleep apnea and other illnesses. More importantly I am interested in using NeurOptimal as a way to help treat those who suffer from sleep disorders. I am sure neurofeedback can help with sleep disorders before it becomes chronic.