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Do you have brain-body dissociation?

Writer: happybrainlabhappybrainlab

It is very common if your brain (or your consciousness) is dissociated from your physical self (your body). For example you wake up on Saturday or Sunday morning and you just know it or you feel it, your brain is "ahead" of you. Here, you is your body, your physical self. Your body is still groggy but your brain is already racing about the outstanding stuff at work or the chores that needs to be completed. Or what about the reverse. Physically you are able but mentally you just not sharp or you are just This is what's called brain-body dissociation. May be just a bit more sleep is needed. May be, if you can get to sleep. Now, if that does not help then you should consider doing our brain training using the world's leading only dynamically neurofeedback technology, NeurOptimal. This training can sync your brain and your body. Sure you can pop pills or use aromatherapy. But they have their downsides. With NeurOptimal training, you sync your body and brain you also get other benefits. You become calm, focused and balanced. Check our website for more info. Call 81363536 to start your 20 sessions and transform your life. Wishing to a Happy New Year 2022



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