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In 6 weeks you can have a better brain?

Writer: happybrainlabhappybrainlab

NeurOptimal® brain training allows your brain to fix itself and work at peak performance. It is scientifically based on the principle of neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s lifelong ability to grow, change and heal as we experience new situations and as we are exposed to an event repeatedly or none at all. Even when someone who has dementia (early or mild) can benefit from our brain training because our training is done regularly and is focused. The NeurOptimal® brain training system provides your brain with the feedback it requires to organize and reorganize itself. Each session is tailored to your current brain activity, resulting in a highly individualized training. The brain reorganizes on its own with whatever resources it has.

NeurOptimal® brain training is so amazing that adults who practice meditation claim they achieve a much faster and more profound effect when they do our brain training. Doing meditation is liken to you to "being present". You are fully aware of your surroundings. You are in the "now" but you are not making judgements about what's going about and around you. For kids who find it challenging to remember facts or to just understand lessons or are behaviorally reactive, the shifts observed after the brain training can be just as amazing. Nevertheless, neuroscientists are still looking into how these “brain challenges" happen among us.

NeurOptimal® is not a treatment. It is not a cure. It is training. Now, do you want an Organized Brain? An organized brain is:

• Clear minded • Healthy sleep habits • More fluid learning/ Focus • Less reactive / more proactive • Effective attention span • Makes better decisions • Handles stress better • Negative talk drops away • Promotes a healthier lifestyle • Happier overall • Restored resilience • Restored flexibility • Promotes relaxation • More “on” days than “off” • Optimal Flow and Function

You wear ear clips and two small sensors on the sides of your head during a training session. These detect the subtle electrical activity of your brain. You can close your eyes and relax for 33 minutes while listening to soothing music. You can sleep and you will still get the benefits of training. NeurOptimal® processes your brain signals very quickly, and when it detects them entering "instability," the music briefly pauses. This instability is neither "good" or "bad". This is referred to as "feedback." This feedback brings you back to the present moment. That's all.

By training your brain, you form new brain connections, strengthening the stronger ones and pruning the weaker brain pathways. Your brain becomes flexible, focused and achieves clarity. Training can take place twice, three times, or four times per week. This is done at the client's place. There is a 12 sessions and a 24 sessions package available for you to choose.

The incredible changes and benefits you experience are not limited to your initial reason for doing this training. It all depends on what your brain has prioritized for itself. NeurOptimal® has no effect on you. It does not steer a client towards or away from any particular outcome. It does not attempt to influence how the brain/CNS uses that information. It is safe, soothing and non-invasive. It acts only as a mirror to what your brain has just done. For example, if you see yourself hunched over when looking in the mirror, you’ll automatically want to straighten yourself out (but whether you act on this fact is another matter).

Now, the brain is a self-regulating organ and it will always aim for homeostasis. It will move away from discomfort or being overly comfortable. Indeed, your brain knows best. So, put trust in your brain's inherent intrinsic wisdom. Start training your brain and transform your life. Give your child (and yourself) that head advantage.



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