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Why approach neurofeedback as a goalless practice?

Writer: happybrainlabhappybrainlab

Updated: May 17, 2022

Our goals can keep us so narrowly focused that we might miss shifts in the environment that arise outside of our target focus.

To really get ahead in life, you need to set really specific goals that are measurable and have a time frame for completion.

When your goals become too much in your head, you can't think clearly. You get stressed out and distracted. And you feel overwhelmed by overthinking.

When we approach our training without goals, we are freed to focus on the journey rather than the destination.

To stay fully in the inquiry. This shift from narrow focus to a more open focus makes it easier to notice any subtle shifts that may be arising.

What this means is: Letting go of the old stories. You can do it by not identifying yourself with your past and just letting it go.

Many of us live our lives through the lens of our own personal experiences, beliefs and conditioning.

These tales of human experience can leave us overwhelmed and drained, or we may feel as if we are the only person in the world to be having these experiences.

Entering a goalless practice involves letting go of our need to control. The flip side of the need to control, is lack of trust. A lack of trust that we can actually let go of these control efforts and still get our needs and goals met.

To break free requires trust. We will never be able to loosen our efforts at control if we are not willing to trust. In this context, it’s not trust in NeurOptimal®, or your Trainer, but rather trust in yourself.

Entering a neurofeedback session involves entering a state of being present and curious, simply enjoying the journey.

When we drop all stories, labels, ideas, judgments, goals etc, we then meet the world fresh and new in each and every moment, instead of through the many layers of mind and its old narratives.

We navigate the world by telling ourselves stories. And because these stories are based on experience, they remove us from direct experience, and so, we experience our lives through our stories about reality, instead of reality itself.

Nothing blocks flow like overthinking, fear, and the need to predict outcomes in advance.

Some examples of resistance are the physical and emotional contractions we have when we are stressed.

That's the opposite of releasing control.

Another benefit to this type of being, is presence. When we are in the flow, we are not thinking about the past or the future, we are fully engaged in this present moment.

When you are present, you are in tune with yourself and with what’s going on in the environment around you.

Letting go of our need to control everything, we rest in present moment awareness, our body centers itself. We begin to move from the head to the heart, where all the love resides.

So get in touch with us and start your NeurOptimal brain training journey!

You may know that when you're in the zone, there's a feeling of being totally present and connected to your actions.

To live from this state means living from a place of grace, ease, and joy.

These are states that are really impossible to achieve through effort, control and fear.

But being spiritual, we always begin with an intention. Narrated in a Prophetic hadith:

"Actions are (judged) by intentions (niyyah), so each man will receive what he has intended for.” [Bukhari & Muslim].

This underlines that intention is the ultimate foundation of our actions. Now actions, and goals or outcomes are not the same thing.

So just before we start off an action, take a moment to figure what's the intention of the action that's about to be undertaken. If you have a specific goal or outcome then it is possible you may achieve that only. But it is more expansive and rewarding (but at the same time intriguing) to proceed by leaving open what the outcomes will turn out to be. Keep the outcomes open-ended as consequences of your action. By that we mean your outcomes are goalless. You may start with wanting to achieve a specific goal or outcome from this neurofeedback training. But there may be other goals you may achieve and experience which you had not anticipated on top of the goal you had wanted to achieve. You just take all the good that comes from the neurofeedback training. This could very subtle and it could be very unexpected. This will surprise you and it is indeed wonderful. Usually the process will take care of the outcome(s). Your brain knows what is best. Trust in yourself.

Have a wonderful neurofeedback journey of discovering yourself and for your love ones.



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