It is important to set a goal in your life. Our NeurOptimal training asks you to set your own personal goal.
Goals help you get what you want. It helps you stay on track and not go off the road. I think a goal is something that you have not yet achieved, but you are working towards it.
Goals are not always something that is easily measurable and they can be anything. They can be something you want to do, or something you want to be, or even something you want to look like. Some has approach our NeurOptimal training without goals, saying it frees us to focus on the journey rather than the destination. This shift from narrow focus to a more open focus makes it easier to notice any subtle shifts that may be arising. Your training, it cannot be goalless.
A goal is something you want to do, but it does not need to be something that is measurable. This is my definition of a goal: A goal is something you want to do, but it does not need to be something that is measurable. For example: Being happy. Being healthy. In both cases you may not know how to measure this, but if you are not happy and not healthy, then this is not a goal. It is a problem. The other part of the definition is that you have to want to do something about it. So for example, wanting to lose weight is a goal. But if you don't want to, or can't, or don't have time, then it is not a goal. It is a problem.
In my earlier blog, I suggest that self-actualization is the goal that you should set yourself to achieve. Self-actualization is a noble and profound goal you should set yourself to achieve. The continuous lifelong process whereby an individual's self-concept is maintained and enhanced via reflection and the reinterpretation of experiences which enable the individual to recover, change and develop is called self-actualization. According to Carl Rogers (1951, 1967), the human organism has an underlying "actualizing tendency" which aims to develop all capacities in ways that maintain or enhance the organisms. For a person to achieve self-actualization they must be in a state of congruence. When a person's ideal self is congruent with their actual behavior, self-actualization happens. From being a facade, you move away. You are not trying to be more than who you are, you are just trying to be better. You are not trying to be less than you are, with any feelings of guilt. You are listening to the deepest parts of your psychological and emotional being and is willing to be that self which you are most truly is. You get closer to the Truth or Haqq.
It is when there is synchronicity between your heart (qalb), your brain/cognition and your body will you be on your journey towards your self-actualization goal.
